Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How many NOMo's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Ok, so Papa Foma at the The Prop8 Trial Tracker blog started a light bulb joke about the so-called National Organization of Marriage (NOM) and there were several entries, which I will update here as they come in. :)

The Question:

How many NOMo's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


  • Well any one of them can do it… just don’t expect the light to come on!!!
  • None, god already did it in Genesis when he said “Let there be light”. Besides, lightbulbs are a product of science, and therefore satanic.
  • None, we aren’t small enough to fit inside a lightbulb, and screwing outside of marriage is wrong.
  • You can’t force us to disclose that! That’s intimidation and harassment!
  • Hopefully no more than thirty or so.
  • Jesus.
  • (from NOM) Don’t answer them they’re mean.
  • NOM: Can’t right now… too busy screwing gays!
  • None, they’ve got Rent Boys for that!
  • Unknown – NOMers fear light, so they have never attempted this feat.
  • 2, and they must be a man & a woman. If they are a same sex couple, the light bulb and the Universe will explode.
  • Is that covered in Leviticus?
  • None – we have no proof the lightbulb was ever out, so it doesn’t need to be changed.
  • None…if we all pray hard enough the light bulb will see the error of
    it’s ways and change itself
  • None. We prefer living in the dark. 
  • It's actually God's choice to put us in the dark. We should not go against His will by changing  the light bulbs ourselves.
  • Changing the light bulb would cause serious and irreparable injury to NOM because their lies would be exposed. Therefore, they have sought a stay with respect to the changing of the light bulb. However, it appears more and more that, regardless of the light bulb, people are starting to see NOM/Protectmarriage.com for who they really are. 
  • We voted. It doesn’t need changing. Besides, it’s “common sense” that the same light bulb should work for all of us for at least 300 years.
  • What lightbulb?
  • Any number of men, women, intersex and/or cross-gendered may ‘screw’ in the lightbulb, as the People have had their say on that matter, so long as only combinations of one man and one woman can call it ‘changing the lightbulb.
  • Being under a light is a “rite” not a “right”.
  • Only a clear majority of seven million Californians have the constitutional right to change the light bulb!!! but instead it has been changed by one biased gay activist judge!!!
  • NOM: Change?! 


  1. This is fantastic. :] I was in Madison today and I definitely believe that most if not all of these would apply to the folks at the podium.

  2. Lol a friend of mine came up with a good one:

    It's actually God's choice to put us in the dark. We should not go against His will by changing the light bulbs ourselves.

  3. Ok, I've added that one. Thanks!

  4. I have one too: Only a clear majority of seven million Californians have the constitutional right to change the light bulb!!! but instead it has been changed by one biased gay activist judge!!!

  5. Thanks Elizabeth - I added that one too.
