Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day of Decision, Prop 8

Well today (August 4th), Judge Vaughn Walker will issue his ruling on the constitutionality of Proposition 8.

Of course the folks at the The Prop8 Trial Tracker will be providing up to date information and commentary when the decision is announced.  This should occur within the next 4 hours (1-3pm California time).

Regardless of how the decision goes,  it is expected to be appealed the the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and then most probably onto the US Supreme Court. 

In theory, the decision will be made available electronically from here:  although it will no doubt show up just about everywhere else soon after.

Definitely an exciting day.  For a great overview of the possibilities, check out: Towleroad's article.

Other resources:

American Foundation for Equal Rights
Equality On Trial on Facebook
Prop 8 Decision Day FAQ
Nationwide Decision Day Events

It's gonna be a party, hopefully :)


  1. It was a party indeed -- Now lets hope it lasts this time!!

  2. Ha! Yes it was. I loved watching the various videos and commentary that took place all over the country.

    Yes, lets hope it last this time! :)
